The residents of the Allermöhe ecological settlement are the owners of their houses and properties. They are members of the association "Ökologisches Leben Allermöhe e.V.".
Only the small private plots of land for their own gardens and houses (between 140 and 250 square meters) are completely individually available. In addition, all residents have approximately 300-350 square meters of communal areas (courtyards, ditches, sewage treatment plant, parking spaces and land for the construction of a community house). These are divided into courtyard areas that are shared by the neighbours of the individual courtyard and common areas that belong to all 34 residents of the ecological settlement in the same part.
The general meetings of the three courtyards (for the courtyard areas) and the association (for the common areas of the entire settlement) decide on the design and use of the communal areas.
The association acts as a point of contact for the authorities, as the operator of the plant-based sewage treatment plant and administrator of the reserves required to operate the community facilities.
The ecological essentials of the settlement (e.g. composting toilets and STP) as well as the responsibilities of the association are laid down for all owners via the land purchase agreements and the framework regulation "Ecological building in Hamburg-Allermöhe" incorporated there under public law. "The aim and purpose of the association is the promotion, development and implementation of an ecological way of life" (Articles of Association § 2 No. 1).